We're all meant for more than perhaps we've allowed. We get sick, we fail, we're disappointed, someone lets us down ... whatever those things are that derail us, they happen. But here's the thing ... struggle builds warriors ...
I knew I wanted to capture the moments with our children this summer. I didn’t want to miss anything. I’m the kind of person who has a hard time segmenting my day and I didn’t want summer distractions. So, I made the decision to set aside time to be with them and nurture me. It […]
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Flannel & Fireplaces, Flowers, Fountains - I'm all about it.
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We all struggle and sometimes it seems like it's never going to end. It's easy to get used to our new normal and feel this is just how life is. I'm here to tell you life can be different ... if you want it to be. Do you want to step into healing and wholeness?
You're on a journey. You get to choose what that looks like. Even if you're not making the choice to be where you are right now, you can make the most of it. Will you live an uncompromised life?
Are you a high performer with chronic illness who's ready to live inside your own dreams? Are you ready to stop burning the candle on both ends? Are you ready to listen to that little voice inside? Then this might be for you...
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