I’m starting a blog! If you’ve ever wanted to do this too … start blogging now.
The journey here has been a long one for me and I believed some lies along the way.
But, some days are momentous whether others see it or not.
I was told by many: “Don’t do this. You don’t need to blog. Blogging is dead. You can have a great business without a blog.” I took negative comments in ways I shouldn’t have. I have analyzed them … let me tell you, I have analyzed them!
You go through a process when you create. Should I use this word, or that one? This color, or the other? Should I even be doing this?!
I don’t believe blogging now is dead.
In my soul, I have the desire to blog. So, I’m going to do it. Putting words on a page in this way is fulfilling for me. To others I know it sounds draining. HARD … even. Even if this looks foolish, I’m going to do it.
Blogging may not be necessary. You can really run an amazing business without a blog. True. But, you can also create amazing connections through words and if a blog is something that calls to you … there’s a reason.
Your blog starts now:
I started questioning the thing in my heart that was so exciting … the ideas IN ME. (This is not a bad thing – we can all do with some good questions.)
But then, I sat down and made another’s thoughts my compass for a moment. It was painful. I felt cut off at the knees. In my mind, this blog felt less exciting. I tried to find a new option. But, I was never meant to find a new starting point.
But, the dialog I’d been listening to wasn’t true for ME.
I had taken someone else’s weaknesses … their struggle with writing and process and perceived it as a lack of support, until I stopped being myself. In reality, others:
+could NOT wrap their mind around writing
+were running businesses that didn’t require blogging, yet
+didn’t have a passion for the same things I was passionate about
And, to be honest … I was, simply, SCARED. SO, these things gave me an excuse to stop living.
But, it didn’t feel good, at the end of the day, to sit on the sidelines pretending I wasn’t called to this thing I could feel deep inside. I knew my path was different.
When you know… you have to act. Basically, you can let someone tell you to sit on the fence or DO that thing already!
If you’ve been throwing around the idea of starting a blog and that passion is sitting there inside your chest, listen to yourself! Finally, shut out the noise and get busy. If you’re asking the question: When should I start my blog? … Stop asking … TODAY is the day!
Grab the copy tips below and get started today.

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