So, How Do Emotions Affect Your Physical Health?
Some would say they don’t. Many believe our emotions don’t really matter when it comes to our physical health. So, when we get sick we go see a Dr. immediately, never questioning if we need to take a look inside ourselves.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t see a Dr. There is a good chance a Dr. is a good idea in many circumstances. But, real results aren’t found in a fast paced, get it done society that ignores how they feel and who they are. We need to have the room to ask our questions.
But, are the questions with answers being shelved?
Doctors have training for emergencies. It’s what they’re really good at. When you’re bleeding out, that’s who you want to see. But, when your gut isn’t working right … the prescriptions they offer are less helpful. Still, answers are out there.
There are naturopathic practitioners. They take their time and answer your questions.
But, even in this world, they’re not really there to talk about your emotions.
I’ve been to hundreds of doctor’s appointments in the world of neurology. Doctors hand me a paper to fill out about my emotions each visit … but, we don’t talk about them. I fill out the form stating how I feel on a scale of 1-10.
I made a mistake talking about my emotions once at a Dr’s appt. My Dr.’s eyes increased in size from across the room. I just knew we’d both rather be anywhere else. (Of course, I may be wrong…maybe he was just having a rough day?)
Then, there’s your family. I hope you have a wonderful family who can talk about emotion. But, I know there are a lot of families who don’t talk about much at all. Certain topics are off limits. Shame becomes a tool. And, the list goes on.
But, when we understand emotion and can talk about our pain, release it, speak of our joys and celebrate them … healing is possible and transformation is found in community.
When you experience negative emotions your body responds physically. When you’re trying to unravel the past of pain without dealing with this one piece of the pie… you’re missing your link to freedom.
Do you have emotions you didn’t know were there?
Are you sick?
Are things stacking up? There’s usually not just ONE reason.
If you’re anything like me … there are many.
And, maybe this is you.
It’s not always so straightforward.
You can choose to be limited by the life you’ve been given, or create the life you want in spite of it. Start creating. Choose the smile, the light. It will affect how you move in the world, even if Doctors tell you you’re dying and pills take you down one by one. You have beauty inside you. Choose well.
In touch with your emotions? How has it transformed your health? Let us know in the comments.
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