I'm Lois!

Writer and visionary helping entrepreneurs see a different way of walking through their health and business journey's. There's not just one way of being. 

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Three Simple Habits that took me from stuck on the couch to living my dream life. 

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Are You Afraid?: What to Do With Fear (pt.2)

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What to Do With Fear : A Lesson

Our emotions get the better of us sometimes. And, when we’re not paying attention, we’re not paying attention. Fear can sneak in and, before we know it, we’re telling our kids they can’t go anywhere or we’re limiting what we do because we’re scared to do it.

What Do We Do In The Face of Fear?

There are actions you take based on fear that you may not even realize you’ve put in place because of it. 

You have a foundation of experience that tells you certain things may or may not be true. There’s a list of fear and safety based messages you’ve assimilated into your world. 

But, are they true? And, what do you do about them?

When I was young I learned a deep lesson about fear that has served me well. I share it with my children. It’s so simple, but must come to be believed because we don’t act consistently outside our beliefs. 

I grew up in a family of 5. We all slept in close proximity, but I would wake up in the middle of the night in intense fear. Bad dreams and darkness greeted me when I woke and seemed like too much to handle. 

My parents put me in their bed for one or two nights. But, I was really too big and they had a water bed, which was complicated. Within minutes I was sinking to the bottom of what felt like an incredible ocean. 

So, I began sleeping on the floor beside my Dad’s side of the bed. But, it was hard and uncomfortable. And, I wasn’t getting any sleep. My fears were making me sick.

I was tired, so I decided the next time it happened I was going to have to try to stay in bed. And, come again it did.

I needed to face my fears …

Fear felt like it was taking me over. My whole body felt frozen.  I didn’t know what to do or where to go.  All I could think to do at the moment was sing. Jesus Loves Me began coming out of my mouth as if I were in Sunday School. I sang it over and over again. 

I didn’t know why, but I was doing it anyway. The only thing I could think to do was sing. And, though I didn’t believe it deeply, yet … I sang about Jesus love for me.

“Jesus Loves Me this I know, 

For the Bible tells Me So, 

Little Ones to Him Belong, 

They Are Weak, 

But He Is Strong, 

Yes, Jesus Loves Me 

Yes Jesus Loves Me, 

Yes, Jesus Loves Me, 

The Bible Tells Me So.”

Suddenly, the fear was gone. I felt my body relax. I went to sleep.  And, I did not visit my parent’s bed again. I sang Jesus loves me a lot more. Fear visited me again. But, I knew when it did what to do. 

You may not need to sing Jesus Loves Me to calm your fear. That’s where I was at the time. But, the name of Jesus is powerful. And He is a refuge for those who call out to Him. 

Since I’ve grown in relationship with Jesus my need to sing each night has changed. My kids have done this and have since adapted it to their own relationship with Jesus. Falling in love with Jesus creates security I cannot even begin to describe.  When fear comes there’s always somewhere to take it. 

Psalm 56:3 

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. 

Notice it says WHEN. You will be afraid. Get ready now. What kind of person will you be when you’re afraid? Who will you trust?

Want to learn more about emotions and your health?

Here’s how:

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